Tag: #obesity

William Stanley Monkhouse | The BMJ

Reverend Stanley Monkhouse had a diverse career as an organist, doctor, teacher,…

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Affordable care act sees record number of Americans signing up

The Biden administration announced that 20 million Americans have signed up for…

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Ancient DNA traces multiple sclerosis origins to 5,000-year-old migrations

Researchers have analyzed the bones and teeth of approximately 5,000 humans who…

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Stroke Risk in Young and Middle-Aged Adults

On a hot day in Nashville, writer Sekou Writes had a hemorrhagic…

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CMS Okays Payment for Novel AI Prostate Test

Medicare will now cover an AI-based test for prostate cancer that predicts…

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Flu And COVID-19 Infections Continue To Surge After Holiday Season: CDC

In the United States, flu and COVID-19 cases are increasing following the…

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ED interrogates Jharkhand IAS officer’s wife

An Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer's wife from Jharkhand is being interrogated…

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Medical Innovation Must Shift Focus From Common Problems to Unsolvable Ones

The economics of healthcare have historically driven innovation in common conditions with…

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Polypharmacy project improves patient care

A cross-border project called iSIMPATYHY has led to improved patient safety by…

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Status Unrelated to Fertility Treatment Births

Fertility treatment-attributed births are similar among patients with and without polycystic ovary…

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