‘I Am Just Waiting to Die’: Social Security Clawbacks Drive Some Into Homelessness
Many individuals, especially Black and Hispanic people, are facing dire consequences as…
Navigating menopausal hormone therapy as CVD risk grows
The use of menopausal hormone therapy for treatment of bothersome hot flashes…
Advocates call out ‘SNL’ over stereotypes, errors in sickle cell skit
Mary Brown, the director of the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation, was upset…
Cheers not tears: champagne corks and eye injury
Ethan Waisberg and his colleagues warn about the substantial threat to ocular…
Spike in morning after pill sales in the U.S. after New Year celebrations
A study published in the Christmas issue of The BMJ found that…
Study reveals the unseen toll of silent burps on quality of life and mental health
The inability to burp, known as retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction (R-CPD), is caused…
Treatment Options When Things Get Worse
Heart failure is caused by various conditions such as high blood pressure,…
Despite X-Waiver Elimination, Buprenorphine Rx Decline
A new study shows that after the elimination of mandatory training for…
Do Not Mix These Foods With Your Medications; 5 Common Drug Interactions You Should Be Aware Of
The food choices we make not only impact our overall health but…
Estrogen-only use was associated with increased dementia rate among women after hysterectomy
Estrogen-only use after hysterectomy is linked to a higher risk of dementia…