
10248 Articles

Long covid: where are we, what does it say about our pandemic response, and where next?

The Office for National Statistics Infection Survey estimated that there were 1.7…

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Research suggests statins may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

A study led by Karolinska Institutet suggests that statins may slow the…

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AI models using retinal images achieve perfect accuracy in diagnosing autism

Researchers developed and tested deep ensemble models (DEMs) to automatically diagnose autism…

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Accepting a Geographic Atrophy Diagnosis

Even though geographic atrophy (GA) may lead to loss of central fine…

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Infection Main Cause of Nonrelapse Death With CAR T Therapy

A meta-analysis of clinical trials and real-world studies found that infections are…

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Is Classic Christmas Dinner Healthy? Researchers Say Some Side Dishes Offer Significant Health Benefits

Researchers from Newcastle University found that traditional Christmas dinner dishes can have…

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Maternal influenza vaccination during pregnancy may protect infant in first few months of life: JAMA

A study published in JAMA found that maternal influenza vaccination during pregnancy…

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Butterfly Network Partners with Mendaera to Co-Develop a ‘New Category of Robotics’

Massachusetts-based Butterfly Network is partnering with Silicon Valley startup Mendaera to expand…

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2023 sees record hospital overcrowding

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation reported a record high level of…

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Guidance for Managing Patients With Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms

An international panel of experts used the Delphi method to develop consensus…

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