States managing Medicaid programs are facing challenges like unwinding the Public Health Emergency, addressing workforce shortages, and navigating regulatory changes. Managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) are crucial in transforming the Medicaid landscape, with innovations like alternative payment models (APMs) and improved coordinated care. MLTSS programs in Delaware and Pennsylvania have improved care coordination through mandatory programs like the Diamond State Health Plan Plus and Community HealthChoices. These programs also focus on reimagining payment structures through APMs to drive efficiency and improve health outcomes. MLTSS programs are uniquely positioned to meet the diverse needs of vulnerable populations, showing promising results in transitions from nursing homes to the community. Looking towards the future, MLTSS programs need to continue supporting workforce development and refining quality metrics to ensure holistic care for beneficiaries.
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Empowering Independence: The Rising Role of MLTSS in Medicaid Evolution