New study uncovers 17 genes driving clonal hematopoiesis and links to aging and disease

Researchers from the U.K. and U.S. analyzed blood samples from 200,618 U.K. Biobank participants, identifying 17 genes positively selected and driving clonal hematopoiesis. Clonal hematopoiesis involves the clonal expansion of mutated blood cells, with potential links to aging-related diseases. The study used exome sequencing to find genes under positive selection, including MTA2, SPRED2, and SRFS1,…

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Scientists Create First Map of a Human Ovary: What to Know

Researchers at the University of Michigan have created the first cellular map of a human ovary, a significant development in the quest to create a human artificial ovary for fertility restoration. This atlas of the ovary provides valuable insights into the molecular programs driving ovarian follicle development, shedding light on the biological mysteries of the…

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CDC launches wastewater dashboard for flu to help track H5N1

The CDC has launched an interactive map that shows influenza A virus levels in wastewater, including H5N1, to track potential spread. Wastewater surveillance cannot distinguish between virus subtypes or sources. H5N1 has been found in various bird and animal populations in the US. The dashboard is a new public health measure to track the spread…

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Roche Says FDA Approves HPV Self-test in US

Roche announced that the FDA has approved their HPV self-testing kit. This kit is designed to screen for the human papillomavirus, which can help identify women at risk of developing cervical cancer earlier. This approval marks a significant step in improving early detection and potentially saving lives. Source link

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How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect older adults’ technology use?

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many older adults to adopt technology for social interactions, leading to changes in how they communicated within their support networks. A study by University of Washington researchers found that older adults not only received support through technology but also provided support, including emotional, financial, and physical assistance. The research emphasized the…

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