Tag: Geriatrics

Survey Highlights Benefits of Pediatric Derm-Rheum Clinics

Combining pediatric dermatology and rheumatology clinics can improve patient care and satisfaction,…

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High Seafood Diet Raises Exposure To ‘Forever Chemicals’: Study

A recent study warns that a diet high in seafood may increase…

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Study shows use of fairness cream driving hike in kidney problems in India

A study in India has revealed a link between the use of…

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Behavioral Health, Interoperability and eConsent: Meeting the Demands of CMS Final Rule Compliance

The upcoming webinar on April 16 will discuss how providers are utilizing…

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GE, LG, Microsoft tie up for smart hospital project in Korea

Microsoft, GE HealthCare, and LG Electronics have partnered to support smart hospital…

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When Rogue Brokers Switch People’s ACA Policies, Tax Surprises Can Follow

Tax filers are facing rejected returns due to unauthorized enrollments in Affordable…

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‘Immense’ change prompts new guideline to address salvage therapy for prostate cancer

The American Urological Association, in collaboration with other organizations, released a clinical…

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Can investing in infectious disease pay off? Vir shows its a struggle

Nearly a decade ago, venture capitalist Bob Nelsen pitched industry veteran Vicki…

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Paediatric waiting lists in Northern Ireland are a “catastrophe,” say doctors

A new report from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health…

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Physical activity lowers cardiovascular disease risk by reducing stress-related brain activity, study finds

New research led by Massachusetts General Hospital shows that physical activity can…

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