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Beta-blocker use after MI and preserved ejection fraction offers no benefit: REDUCE-AMI trial

A study called REDUCE-AMI found that using beta-blockers after a heart attack…

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Three Key Challenges for Healthcare CISOs

As hospitals face increasing cyberattacks, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in healthcare…

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Colm Burke appointed Minister of State for National Drugs Strategy

Simon Harris has appointed Colm Burke as the Minister of State for…

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The NIH Hopes To Make TMJ ‘Bearable.’ It Has a Long Way To Go.

The National Institutes of Health is increasing funding for research on TMJ…

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AI partners with liquid biopsy for ‘robust’ identification of women with ovarian cancer

Researchers presented results at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting…

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We’re reading about a 486% drug price hike, AstraZeneca CEO pay

In the pharmaceutical industry, Harrow justifies a 486% price increase for an…

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Anaesthetists feel broadly negative about associates, survey finds

A recent survey by the Royal College of Anaesthetists found that most…

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Study highlights impact of aldehydes on DNA damage and aging

A study by researchers at Nagoya University in Japan reveals that aldehydes…

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Congress likely to kick the can on covid-era telehealth policies

Rep. Brad Wenstrup urged federal lawmakers to continue telehealth payment changes past…

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Expert Q&A With John Whyte, MD

Dr. John Whyte, WebMD's chief medical officer, addresses access to health care…

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