New personalised mental health online tool

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A new mental health online tool aims to offer personalised advice and information on issues like stress, sleep, low mood and anxiety.

‘My Mental Health Plan’ provides people with a tailored mental health plan in response to a short questionnaire about how they feel.

Advice offered ranges from information and self-help resources to clear signposting to appropriate mental health supports. The online tool can be accessed on

The new service was launched recently as part of a review of the Government’s ‘Sharing the Vision’ mental health policy.

The event heard how, in 2023, 5,589 people accessed social prescribing services nationwide. Almost two-thirds (65 per cent) of referrals were linked to social isolation, while 15 per cent related to mental health.

Attendees were also updated on plans for new crisis resolution services, which are at various stages of development in five locations nationwide.

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