Oral and Topical Antifungals Beneficial for Dupilumab Facial Redness in Atopic Dermatitis

A study published in Dermatologic Therapy found that oral and topical antifungals are effective for patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who develop dupilumab facial redness (DFR) after receiving dupilumab treatment. The study included 101 patients with AD who developed DFR after starting dupilumab therapy. The researchers determined that the DFR was likely a hypersensitivity reaction to Malassezia. Treatment with oral fluconazole, topical clotrimazole, and itraconazole showed a response rate of 68% with first-line treatment and an overall improvement rate of 80%. The study concluded that antifungal treatment can be effective for patients with AD who develop DFR after dupilumab therapy.

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