Tag: Speech Therapy

Safety checklist compiles clinically important DMARD warnings in one place

A study published in Drug Safety found that nearly all biologic and…

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The Snoo is holding baby — and parental — sleep hostage

Parents of babies often struggle with sleep, and the Snoo, a $1,700…

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Palliative care: People are dying in pain and without the support they need, report warns

A report by Marie Curie found that many people in England and…

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Time from drug approval to reimbursement longer in U.S. than some european countries

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that the…

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Does air pollution drive dementia?

A recent systematic review in BMC Public Health found a link between…

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Topical Timolol an Option for Treating Pyogenic Granuloma

Topical timolol is proving to be an effective alternative to surgery in…

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Smokers, Diabetics At Greater Risk, Says Study

The convenience of mobile phones has become a crucial part of our…

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Sounder Benefits Launches To Advance Employee Health Benefits

Healthcare costs in the U.S. are increasing, with the average premium for…

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You might be interested in…Rhinosinusitis and Asthma

Dr. Ray O’Connor discusses recent clinical studies on chronic rhinosinusitis and asthma.…

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Doccla raises more than $38M to increase European expansion

Doccla, a provider of virtual ward and remote patient monitoring services, raised…

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