Tag: Rare Diseases

La gripe aviar es mala para las aves de corral y las vacas lecheras. No es una amenaza grave para la mayoría de nosotros… por ahora

Los titulares explotaron después que el Departamento de Agricultura confirmara que el…

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Alcohol consumption can age skin, trigger underlying diseases

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Alzheimer’s risk factor APOE4 may be a distinct form of the disease

For more than 30 years, Alzheimer’s researchers have thought of APOE4 as…

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Surgery is the default treatment for ACL injuries, but it’s not the only way

Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an…

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Scaling up API processes with Dr. James Mencel’s guidance

In this interview, NewsMed talks to Dr. James Mencel's Guidance about Scaling…

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7 Most Effective Exercises

There's no mystery about exercise: You get out of it what you…

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Study Identifies Risk Factors for TBI in Elderly

TOPLINE:In older patients with minor head injury, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS ≤14),…

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Rompiendo una promesa: déficit en California podría frenar aumentos a cuidadores de personas con discapacidades

SACRAMENTO, California – Las familias de personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del…

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Warren pushes Witty on UnitedHealth’s control over physicians

You’re reading the web version of Health Care Inc., STAT’s weekly newsletter…

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