Tag: #nutrition

Measuring differential privacy could balance meaningful analytics and health care data security

Tombs and Bridges have developed a new method that improves on the…

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NSF CAREER award supports development of machine learning tools for preeclampsia detection

Talayeh Razzaghi, an assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering at the…

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Impact of Climate Change on Respiratory Care Likely to Rise

Extreme heat, wildfires, and particulate matter not from wildfires were the most…

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SB17 exhibits biosimilarity to ustekinumab for psoriasis

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Brain activity related to craving and heavy drinking differs across sexes, study reveals

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The brain circuits that underlie alcohol craving and…

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Breakthrough imaging technique enhances evaluation of cardiac conditions and chest pain

A new imaging technique tested in patients could improve the evaluation of…

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Bronchiolitis transfers increase at disproportionate rate among infants

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Parents’ watchful eye may keep young teens from trying alcohol, drugs: Study

"No use of substances" sign. Credit: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and…

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Purdue researcher receives $2.4 million NIH grant to combat antimicrobial resistance in lung infections

  Qi "Tony" Zhou, a researcher in Purdue University's College…

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E-cigarette content regulations not adequately enforced on social media

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