Tag: #nutrition

CBT Tops Mindfulness Therapy for Prolonged Grief Disorder

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is superior to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (CT) for…

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Doubting Thomas cannot see the IMT future

Terence Cosgrave is not the Messiah – he’s a very naughty boy…

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Fasting in Pregnancy Linked to Lower Birth Weight

HealthDay News — Fasting during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight; however, dietary…

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STAT+: Up and down the ladder: The latest comings and goings

Hired someone new and exciting? Promoted a rising star? Finally solved that…

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Continuous observation of patients at risk of self harm is often ineffective, finds safety report

There is only limited evidence that the current approach to continuous observation…

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Psychological therapy shows promise in improving quality of life for people living with motor neuron disease

Credit: Sơn Bờm from Pexels The largest-ever trial of a psychological intervention…

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WHO issues landmark guidelines for preventing catheter-associated infections

The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the first global guidelines to prevent…

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Custom Video Games Promising for ADHD, Depression, in Kids

Targeted video games could help reduce symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and…

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Why Consumers Leave Their Payer/Provider

Navigation challenges are the top reason consumers stop seeing healthcare providers, while…

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