Tag: #nutrition

Future of retina education may be in the metaverse

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Hepatitis E virus detected for the first time in urban Norway rats in South Korea

Geographic map of the trapping sites of wild rats harboring Rocahepevirus ratti…

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NHS still faces waiting list challenges

Commenting on the publication today of the NHS monthly performance statistics, Tim Gardner,…

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Kids and Anti-Obesity Meds: Real-World Challenges

DENVER — The ability to provide adolescents with highly effective anti-obesity medications…

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First Opinion on colorectal cancer screening: letter and response

To encourage robust, good-faith discussion about difficult issues, STAT publishes selected Letters…

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Combination of breast cancer and chemotherapy may speed up physical decline in older adults

Credit: Marcus Aurelius from Pexels A UCLA-led study suggests that women who…

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Understanding how the brain processes perception into action

You hear a phone ring or a dog bark. Is it yours…

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Salt Meter Could Improve Compliance With Low-Sodium Diet

Using a salt meter or sensor in food itself, in conjunction with…

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Commentary: It’s in your DNA

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