Tag: #nutrition

Oura smart ring company extends heart health capabilities

Finland-based Oura, the maker of its namesake health tracking ring, announced it…

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FDA clears Qiagen’s respiratory syndromic testing panel

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Melinda French Gates resigns from Gates Foundation

Melinda French Gates will step down as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda…

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To increase public satisfaction in the NHS, we need a new conversation about how to improve it

Jessie Cunnett, chief executive officer, Richard Smith, chairPoint of Care Foundationjessiecunnett{at}pointofcarefoundation.org.ukrichardswsmith{at}yahoo.co.ukAs satisfaction…

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Remote heart failure monitoring device could prevent hospitalizations

Credit: University of Glasgow A brand-new monitoring device for patients with heart…

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Pioneering regulatory measures in china prove effective in reducing children’s sedentary behavior

Pioneering measures to tackle sedentary behavior among children in China have proved…

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High-Potency Cannabis Tied to Impaired Brain Development

It's becoming clear that adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to cannabis, especially…

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America Is Losing One of Its Most Precious Assets: Our Brain Power

Becoming a father has profoundly sharpened my perspective on a pressing issue…

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Palivizumab cost-effective for prevention of severe RSV in infants

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Late-stage results set up Cytokinetics heart drug to compete with Bristol

Late-stage results of Cytokinetics’ drug for a rare heart disease suggest it…

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