Tag: Medical Ethics

We’re reading about Pfizer DTC plans, Sandoz feud with trade group

Rise and shine, everyone, another busy day is on the way. We…

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Tech alone can’t replace human coaches in obesity treatment, study finds

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A Northwestern Medicine study shows that technology alone…

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New mechanism discovered to weaken pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence

The opportunistic bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is dangerous due to its resistance…

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Alzheimer’s Risk and the APOE4 Gene

Studies have long shown that if you carry two copies of the…

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Inappropriate Rx Use Persists in Older Adults With Dementia

Medications that could have a negative effect on cognition are often used…

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Ireland on track towards hepatitis C elimination

Ireland is on track to meet global targets for the elimination of…

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TytoCare partners with new health systems to expand school health initiative

Virtual primary care company TytoCare announced that five new healthcare systems are…

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Hottest summer in 2,000 years puts focus on extreme heat, health

Last summer’s heat waves demonstrated all the ways that extreme heat takes…

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