Tag: Healthcare Industry

After years of decline, Brazil sees vaccination coverage rise in 2023

Rodrigo de Oliveira Andrade, a freelance journalist from São Paulo, Brazil, examines…

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‘Zombie neurons’ shed light on how the brain learns

The cerebellum, known as the "little brain," is crucial for coordinating movement,…

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the rise of AI in neuro-oncology

A review article discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnosing…

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Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis With a Biologic: Risks and Benefits

Advancements in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, such as biologic drugs, have drastically…

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Hospitals Cash in on Concierge Care

Nonprofit hospitals originally created to serve the poor are now offering concierge…

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Know Symptoms For Early Diagnosis

Autism, a developmental disability that affects behavior, communication, and learning, is important…

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NMC Lists Down 68 Courses in 16 Medical Institutes

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has listed down 68 courses in 16…

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FDA Clears the First Digital Therapeutic for Depression, But Will Payers Cover It?

Rejoyn, a software app developed by Otsuka Pharmaceutical and Click Therapeutics, has…

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Dementia More Likely in Patients With Essential Tremor Than Other Groups

Patients with essential tremor have an increased risk of developing dementia compared…

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Q&A: LG on evolving its consumer offerings for health data collection

LG NOVA is exploring the potential for consumer electronics to collect personalized…

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