Safe Solar Eclipse Viewing | Medical News Bulletin

To safely view a total solar eclipse, use specialized eye protection such as Shade No. 14 Welder’s glasses or aluminized Mylar filters. Make sure they comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard. Avoid looking at the sun directly with the naked eye, regular glasses, binoculars, or cameras. Use a pinhole viewer to indirectly view the…

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Improved cross-linking techniques on the horizon

Dr. Michael B. Raizman discusses the future of corneal cross-linking at the ASCRS meeting, highlighting advancements in technique that could provide better treatment for patients. He mentions that these techniques can help reduce the need for corneal transplants and preserve vision in patients. Raizman emphasizes the importance of being able to treat patients effectively and…

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When I use a word . . . The languages of medicines—chemical names

The systematic nomenclature of chemicals began in the 18th century by French chemists, leading to international committees and the formation of IUPAC in 1919. Chemical names evolved with key contributions from Swedish and German chemists in the 19th century. Today, IUPAC uses machine-readable chemical identifiers and sets international standards for chemical nomenclature. Language in medicine…

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Human neuron model identifies potential therapeutic targets for Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine have created a human neuron model that accurately mimics the spread of tau protein aggregates in the brain, which is responsible for cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. This model has led to the identification of potential therapeutic targets to prevent tau spread, a significant advancement in Alzheimer’s…

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Fitness from the Inside Out

Yoga is a traditional fitness modality from Asia that aims to cultivate the body and spirit together. The practice involves physical poses, breathing techniques and meditation to strengthen the body, calm the mind and awaken the spirit. Yoga can enhance muscle strength, flexibility, coordination and agility, and has been shown to help with self-healing and…

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FDA Approves First Prescription App for Depression

The FDA has approved the first prescription app, Rejoyn, for major depressive disorder (MDD). Developed by Otsuka Pharmaceutical and Click Therapeutics, the app will be available for adults aged 22 and older who are taking antidepressant medications. While the app did not show overwhelming treatment effects in trials, it offers cognitive-behavioral therapy lessons and personalized…

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