Tag: #dermatology

Single Low-Dose Esketamine Injection May Reduce Postpartum Depression In New Mothers: Study

Postpartum depression affects around 20% of women, causing symptoms like mood swings,…

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Ultra-Low-Temperature Cryoablation promising in Treatment of Ventricular Tachycardias: Study

A study has found that ultra-low-temperature cryoablation is a promising treatment for…

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The New Radiopharma Competition Requires Unprecedented Medical Logistics

AstraZeneca's recent acquisition of a radiopharmaceutical partner highlights the rapid growth of…

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Monitoring algorithm predicts association of seizure burden with functional outcomes

A machine-learning seizure burden monitoring algorithm was analyzed in a study of…

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Empathetic physicians lead to better outcomes, study finds

A new study published in JAMA Network Open found that treatment by…

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Tuberculosis can have a lasting impact on the lung health of successfully treated individuals

New research presented at the ESCMID Global Congress suggests that tuberculosis (TB)…

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Sleep strategies may boost ultramarathon performance, study finds

A study published in Sports Medicine – Open explores the impact of…

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Life With Menopause

After teaching elementary school for over 30 years, Lori Hewlett shares her…

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Are You Ready for AI to Be a Better Doctor Than You?

Recent studies have shown that AI is outperforming human doctors in various…

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New Study Reveals Comparable Postoperative Risks of Tofacitinib and Biologics in Ulcerative Colitis Patients

A recent study found that postoperative risks for ulcerative colitis patients taking…

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