Tag: Alternative Medicine

ZEST trial fails to meet enrollment goals for ctDNA testing in breast cancer

The ZEST clinical trial aimed to evaluate niraparib for preventing breast cancer…

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Self-Replicating mRNA Vaccine for COVID Prevention

The European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommended granting…

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Texas Republican Seeks to Ban Sex Toys from Pharmacies to Keep Kids from ‘Being Exposed to Obscene Devices While Shopping for Toothpaste’

Republican Rep. Hillary Hickland from Texas wants sexually explicit items removed from…

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The Cost of Medication Non-Adherence — How Hospitals Can Close the Gap through Better Communication

Medication affordability is a growing issue in the US, with 9 million…

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A finely balanced decision

The England and Wales Court of Protection considered whether an elderly lady…

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Removing a Splinter? Treating a Wart? If a Doctor Does It, It Can Be Billed as Surgery

Patients are being billed for minor procedures as "surgery" to increase profits…

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Decreasing comorbidities among BIPOC groups could lessen hospitalization disparities

The study highlights the disproportionate hospitalization and mortality rates among BIPOC populations…

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STAT+: Up and down the ladder: The latest comings and goings

Have a new hire, promoted employee, or filled a difficult position at…

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GP leaders in Scotland demand investment to avert industrial action

The BMA's Scottish General Practitioners Committee (SGPC) is demanding action from the…

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Japanese researchers test pioneering drug to regrow teeth

Japanese dentists are testing a pioneering drug that may allow people with…

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