Tag: Alternative Medicine

Three-quarters of population live within 300 metres of a liquor licence

A recent report found that 73% of people in Ireland live within…

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Pediatric Trauma Exposure Influences the Efficacy of Brief Behavioral Therapy

Brief behavioral therapy (BBT) is effective for pediatric patients with depression and…

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Reproductive health company Stork Club announces expanded offerings in 100 countries

Stork Club, a family and reproductive benefits care company, has expanded to…

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Native Americans Have Shorter Life Spans. Better Health Care Isn’t the Only Answer.

Katherine Goodlow, a 20-year-old member of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, has…

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People with schizophrenia included in biobanks may be less severely affected

A study published in JAMA Psychiatry compared individuals with schizophrenia from the…

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Next-generation mosquito nets saved 25,000 lives in pilot studies

New results from the New Nets Project show that second-generation bed nets…

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Breaking free from the stigma of diabetes

Jazz Sethi from India discusses the tangible consequences of stigma on people…

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Study finds ChatGPT shows promise as medication management tool, could help improve geriatric health care

Polypharmacy, or the use of five or more medications, is common among…

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Bidirectional Mendelian randomization uncovers link between plasma metabolites and heart attack risk

Myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is a leading cause of death worldwide,…

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Identify Your Triggers to Quit Smoking for Good

After 15 years of smoking, Adrian Diaz Bulibasa decided to quit to…

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