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GSK’s RSV vaccine sees major fall in sales

GSK's vaccines business faced challenges in the third quarter, with lower sales…

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Fertility rate in England and Wales fell to a record low in 2023

The fertility rate in England and Wales has dropped to its lowest…

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Survey finds a dangerous gap in knowledge about pancreatic cancer among adults under age 50

A survey conducted by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center shows…

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Drug repurposing offers hope for SYNGAP1 patients

The SynGAP Research Fund has awarded grants to Dr. Clement Chow for…

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Why Postpartum Depression Hits Physician Moms at High Rates

After experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety herself, psychiatrist Funda Bachini, MD, realized…

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‘Weekend Warriors’ Reap Cognitive Benefits Comparable To Regular Gym Goers: Study Finds

New research suggests that working out just once or twice a week,…

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Black, Latino, Women Healthcare Leaders Sign Letters in Support of Kamala Harris

Healthcare leaders, including Black and Latino technology leaders as well as women…

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Florida Medical Device Maker Exactech Declares Bankruptcy

Exactech, a Florida device manufacturer facing over 2,000 lawsuits for defective hip…

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FDA approves new dose for abuse-deterrent oxycodone

The FDA approved a 10 mg immediate-release tablet of RoxyBond for pain…

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RFK going ‘wild,’ eugenics rhetoric, Medicare news

This content is from D.C. Diagnosis, STAT’s newsletter about health and medicine…

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