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Sarilumab allows steroid taper ‘more frequently’ vs methotrexate in polymyalgia rheumatica

Patients with polymyalgia rheumatica were more likely to discontinue steroids after treatment…

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Extension granted for addiction treatment and stimulants via telehealth

Federal officials have extended the temporary rules allowing health providers to prescribe…

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Measles: Millions of children missed routine vaccination last year, WHO and CDC warn

In 2023, inadequate vaccination coverage led to an estimated 10.3 million cases…

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Risk for mortality up with low income in type 2 diabetes

A study found that adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have an…

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Researchers discover how mutations disrupt protein splicing and cause disease

An international research team discovered a new mechanism crucial for the production…

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Intense Blood Pressure Lowering Benefit Confirmed in Diabetes

The BPROAD trial in China showed that lowering systolic blood pressure to…

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Stress During Pregnancy Linked To Higher Risk Of Epilepsy In Children

A recent study has found that children born to mothers who experience…

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Why Increasing Diversity In Residency Is Good For Our Specialty

Calls for increased diversity in US general surgery residency programs have grown…

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Once-Weekly Regimen for R/R Multiple Myeloma Found Beneficial in Boston Trial

A study published in the Lancet shows that a combination treatment of…

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Centering Caregiver and Provider Feedback in Home-Based Care Innovation

Accessing healthcare can be challenging due to mobility issues and transportation barriers,…

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