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Menstrual Cycles Intensify Suicidal Thoughts In People Struggling With Mental Health, Study Says

A study from the University of Illinois, Chicago found that women with…

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Can’t reject Medical Reimbursement Claim only because patient was treated in a non-network hospital: Madras HC

The Madras High Court has ruled that a medical reimbursement claim cannot…

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How AI Scribe Vendors Can Better Meet the Needs of Primary Care Physicians

AI scribing tools are becoming popular in the healthcare industry, with companies…

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Scabies outbreaks triple this year

Scabies outbreaks in Ireland have increased dramatically in 2023, with 26 outbreaks…

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Coffee and Tea Consumption Linked to Lower Metabolic Syndrome Mortality

A study found that daily tea and moderate coffee consumption can decrease…

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Jakarta-based digital clinic obtains $5M and more digital health fundings

Jakarta-based digital clinic network, Klinik Pintar, has raised $5 million in funding…

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‘Until It Is Fixed’: Congress Ramps Up Action on Social Security Clawbacks

The Senate Finance Committee plans to meet with Social Security to address…

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Three elements key to creating effective practice website

The content discusses the key takeaways from a Healio Video Perspective on…

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STAT letters to the editor on med school and intellectual disabilities

In an effort to encourage good-faith discussion about difficult issues, STAT is…

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Management of chronic pain associated with temporomandibular disorders: a clinical practice guideline

Busse, Casassus, Carrasco-Labra, Durham, Mock, Zakrzewska, and others collaborated on a clinical…

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