
10248 Articles

Opioid abuse can change the brain

A recent study found that opioid addicts experience structural and functional changes…

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WHO reports major decline in global drowning deaths since 2000

The World Health Organization has published its first report on drowning prevention,…

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Emcitate Recommended for Peripheral Thyrotoxicosis in AHDS

The European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has…

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Are You Blowing Nose Correctly? Doctor Reveals How Incorrect Technique Leads To Nose Bleeds And Ear Infections

Dr. Ruben, a pediatric allergist, warns that blowing your nose incorrectly can…

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The Hidden Dangers of AI Confidence Scores in Healthcare

AI innovation in healthcare is on the rise, but the reliability of…

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Flu cases doubled last week

More than 400 people have been hospitalized with the flu this winter…

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Faltan iniciativas de gobiernos rurales para comunicarse con los residentes que no dominan el inglés

Eloisa Mendoza ha estado ayudando a personas que no hablan inglés durante…

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Combination treatment shows promise in BRCA -, PALB2 -mutated breast cancer

A study presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium showed promising…

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Feds threaten Sanofi over proposed 340B changes

The U.S. government agency Health Resources & Services Administration warned Sanofi about…

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Architecture and public health: from harmful designs to healthy built environments

Architectural health research conducted by Cleo Valentine emphasizes the importance of creating…

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