
10248 Articles

Understanding migraine – and putting patients on the right path to effective care

Advances in migraine treatment and patient pathways at Tallaght University Hospital have…

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‘Coin-sized’ version of Dexcom G6 sensor developed in China

Interdisciplinary researchers from Chinese universities have developed a miniature continuous glucose monitoring…

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In Chronic Pain, This Teenager ‘Could Barely Do Anything.’ Insurer Wouldn’t Cover Surgery.

Preston Nafz, a teenager who loved playing lacrosse, had to undergo a…

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WIO annual meeting seeks to unify women internationally

In a video perspective from the Women in Ophthalmology Summer Symposium, Dr.…

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Antimicrobial resistance can be fought, says WHO director-general

At the U.N. General Assembly, all countries approved a declaration to combat…

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Mix of relief and disappointment—striking a balance in the pay deal for resident doctors in England

After months of industrial action, resident doctors in the UK have voted…

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EEG testing shows possible biomarker for suicidal ideation

Identifying biomarkers for suicidal ideation could help doctors assess suicide risk and…

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Innovative genomic approach identifies rare Long QT syndrome carriers

A new study from Vanderbilt University Medical Center has demonstrated the use…

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FDA OKs First-in-Class Antipsychotic for Schizophrenia

The US FDA has approved Cobenfy, a new antipsychotic for schizophrenia that…

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Here’s How To Use Them Effectively

Nebulizers are small devices that deliver medications directly to the lungs through…

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