
10248 Articles

Physician associates: BMA backs family’s legal challenge to GMC over “blurring of lines”

The BMA is providing financial support to a family challenging the General…

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Heart failure, atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease linked to cognitive impairment

A new scientific statement from the American Heart Association highlights the link…

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Fluorescein angiography improves diagnostic accuracy in carpal tunnel surgery

In modern office life, carpal tunnel syndrome can be a daily struggle,…

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The Best Tools for Early Childhood Developmental Concerns

Early recognition of neurodevelopmental concerns in young children is crucial for better…

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COVID-19 Doubles Risk Of Heart Attacks, Strokes For Up To Three Years: Study

A recent study conducted by Cleveland Clinic researchers found that individuals who…

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Look Who’s Talking at HLTH

HLTH, taking place in Las Vegas in October, features speakers from various…

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TU Dublin students present innovative tech-based solutions to challenges set by TUH

The fourth annual health hackathon, organized by TU Dublin in collaboration with…

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Asian Health Center Tries Unconventional Approach to Counseling

Jee Hyo Kim, a community health worker at Asian Health Services in…

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Aging plays role in retinal layer thinning in cognitively healthy older adults

A study published in Retina followed 57 cognitively healthy older adults over…

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What does Carequality investigation of Epic v. Particle dispute show

Carequality released new information about the dispute between Epic Systems and Particle…

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