
10248 Articles

Novel app enables surveillance of global travel-related illness

A new study based on data from a travel app developed by…

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German Doctors Spend Three Quarters of Each Day on Paperwork

A recent survey in Germany revealed that senior physicians in hospitals spend…

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Excess Or Too Little Folate During Pregnancy May Raise the Risk of Congenital Heart Defects

Researchers have found that both excessive and reduced folate levels during pregnancy…

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Community Pharmacies Fill Critical Healthcare Gaps in Rural Areas — Here’s How We Can Empower and Support Them

Rural Americans face widening health disparities compared to urban areas, largely due…

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LOL: October 15, 2024

The Week in Medicine highlights the racial and socioeconomic disparities in maternity…

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Wrong positioning for BP screening could overestimate measurements

A recent analysis suggests that commonly used ways of positioning a patient’s…

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Montana abortion ballot measure, Senate race results may diverge

Jackie Johnston, a Democrat, is canvassing for abortion rights in Bozeman, Montana,…

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Study highlights need for streamlined miscarriage care in Canada

Miscarriage, or early pregnancy loss, is poorly managed in Canada, leading to…

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Climate change anxiety is pushing Americans toward collective climate action

New research indicates that climate anxiety can drive Americans to take action…

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Exploring the Inevitable Over Tea and Cookies

Death cafes have become popular in recent years as a way for…

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